October 2nd, 2009

[info]lonely_vocals in [info]chaosu_ooc

Life Scrwed me Over Again...

Hi guys, Clara (Morana/Medusa) here!

Okay, so I'm not dead, though I wouldn't blame people for thinking that.

Uni has been busy guys, and the final year, well, a lot of work to do, but I am settling down. In fact I was just planning to let everyone know I would be posting again and catching up...

Only for disaster to strike: No internet or email access.

Virgin Media has a fault in their systems so all broadband in my area is not working. This has been going on for a while now, and I was trying to be patient and wait for it to come back, but no, it hasn't, and they don't seem to have a clue as to how long it will take to fix, it's a mass problem apparently. So, I am currently on a local library computer at the moment. I can come here to get online on occassion I suppose and I can hopefully get some time in the reading room on uni campus, but because I commute, my time will be spodratic at the least, and I don't want to leave anyone hanging more than I already have. Apparently my timing really sucks. 

So, indefinite hiatus until the issue is resolved, I will let you all know as soon as I have working internet at home again! Forgive me guys, I miss you all and hope to catch up soon. <3