June 30th, 2009

[info]itsmydayoff in [info]chaosu_ooc

A few things

1. Is anyone still planning on posting in the party thread? I ask because nobody's posted in a long time and I kind of assumed it had just died, but I'm getting in trouble for it still being open (too many logs, heh). So, unless that's going to actually pick up again sometime in the near future, I'm going to go ahead and close it out officially. It was a just-for-fun thing, anyway.

2. I will probably be a little slower than usual for the next weekish because I'll be visiting my fiance in Florida. Still around, though.

3. Does anybody want to log with GLaDOS?

[info]silverknight in [info]chaosu_ooc

Hi there

After days of computer-less life due to some unexpected laptop death, I'm finally back. I actually had to buy a new computer...

Anyway, as all my files are now lost and at the moment my inspiration in reading back-logs is a bit nil because of my failure in my practical finals, I bid you to assume all threads Jazz and Vader were in happened as they were planned. His Sithliness and the robot were just a bit more on the silent side the days after.

Sorry for the long absense.

I'll try to get back into the game as fast as I can.