May 21st, 2009

[info]hornfreak in [info]chaosu_ooc

So, what Asgardian is willing to be "tormented" by Midvalley? He really doesn't want to torment Morana, Dorian, or Mitch, and for Reno's sake he'll skip Maria. I was thinking of Kain, since Midvalley wouldn't feel at all bad about tormenting someone so tough, but maybe the baby plot (even though Midvalley as a character has no idea) makes that a bad idea. Any volunteers?

("Torment" is likely to sound/pain based, though presumably Midvalley is going to have to catch the person outside Asgard to make that happen.)

Note: To people who are encouraging me to get PBs for my characters: I'm off this weekend and I'll be working on that.