May 12th, 2009

[info]silverknight in [info]chaosu_ooc

Some plot ideas...

I was told Vader needs some more action in the realm, so I've thought about this:

I have this idea about Vader working with Zefiris to sort-of infiltrate Niflheim in one way or another. This could be tied to his mentioning of upgrading Asgard's security with blaster cannons and other nice and deadly stuff. I could even see him wanting Myre, as his 'apprentice', to help with this, though as a Sith he won't count on her help.

Also, about the Jazz somewhat being part of the traumatize Frank plot: When should it start, should Jazz be in the know about what Flauros and Carrion are trying to do etc.? My apologies, but I seem to have gotten out of the loop with this plot and am in need for some clarifications.

And third: Who should be the winner in the next trial? Vader or Flauros?