April 21st, 2009

[info]holylance in [info]chaosu_ooc

While we're on the subject of fairytale week...

Following Tori's example, I think I should post some of my fairytale week stuff just to keep everything clear! ♥

Kain will be taking up the role of the soldier in The Tinder Box! He will carry with him at all times a tinder box which will, when a match is struck against it, summon up a magical talking dog that is so large it's eyes are as big as teacups. This will be the only dog that he will be able to summon, as the other two are ridiculously huge and it would be skating into godmod territory. You can find the story here: http://andersen.com.ua/en_the_tinder_box.html

Banru is, fittingly, going to be the big bad wolf from Little Red Riding Hood! Banru will now have claws to go with his fangs, and he will be prone to commenting on how delicious people are. He'll run around with a picnic basket, complete with stereotypical red and white checkered napkins, salt, pepper, plates, and silverware, and if he's close to people he may take to drooling and attempting to sprinkle some spices on them. NOTE: This is being done in a COMICAL CARTOONY fashion, so nobody is going to get eaten, unless they, you know, don't have the sense to not let him chomp down on their arm after he starts salivating and sprinkling salt on them. >_> You can find the story here: http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/type0333.html

And that about sums it up! <3

[info]boy_silhouette in [info]chaosu_ooc

Upcoming Malfunction Fairytale Week

Just thought I'd share what my characters are doing for that week, so that I don't cross any wires!

Sal - Not here!

Blythe - The Two Cakes: http://www.surlalunefairytales.com/diamondstoads/stories/cakes.html Very simply, when Blythe speaks (it says "breathes", but the version I grew up with, it was "speaks"), roses and jessamines will fall from her lips. When she combs her hair, pearls and garnets fall from it, and when she walks (outside!), lilies and violets spring up from her steps.

Dorian - Little Boy Blue: http://ivyjoy.com/fables/mothergoose.html#blue The mummy will be rather exhausted this week, and will be found sleeping in comfortable places both outside and inside. Always nearby will be a sheep and a cow, and a horn fastened at his belt next to his bag of marbles.

Also, I'd like to add that while my characters will be in these roles, their personalities aren't changing, as that is my personal interpretation of the malfunction day. They will still behave (Dorian's napping doesn't exactly count, because fatigue is not an emotion), react, and dress like themselves. Just so there wouldn't be confusion on that!