April 11th, 2009

[info]givemefood in [info]chaosu_ooc

I choose you, Sandalphon!

Everyone, please add [info]fallen_justice to their friends lists! A new NPC has come - the final one for awhile, I promise you, and with that, a third mod-like person.

The character is Sandalphon, and the modly duty title is Shadow Queen (lurking in the darkness, waiting to strike!), she basically has the duty to keep an eye out for rule breaking and the like. I'm the head mod, Mary's the secretary who keeps things better organized than I could (thank you, Mary!) and the Shadow Queen is to help watch over the game and make sure the rules are being followed.

Have a nice day~

[info]sith_supreme in [info]chaosu_ooc

About my radio silence....

I'm sorry that I was incommunicado for so long. Life came between me and my keyboard and I didn't have the needed quack-fu to avoid it. *grummel*

Also, it was a correct assumption that Vader'll participate in back-dated thread with Lina and Dorian.

Again, my deepest apologies for putting you all on the waiting line.