April 8th, 2009

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Schedules ;_;

Alright - common theme here, but I offer an apology as well. College has been consuming me ever so these past few weeks as the semester comes close to an end.

That said - I am officially removing Lina from the talisman plot - Vader and Henry can do it themselves, or they can invite someone else to come with them. D= I do not have time.

I will, however, have time to finish the stuff I'm in and everything. <3 I really am back this time, guys, I'm sorry.

Thank you so much, everyone, for working to get the talisman stuff completed. <3

I will have a tournament ready for you guys, depending on the events in CU, sometime soon after April ends. Probably in the middle of May, after my finals are over with. xD It won't be a riddle one like last time, but something new~!