March 28th, 2009

[info]boughtnsold in [info]chaosu_ooc


Busy, life, stress, school, etc., etc. Taking this weekend for a break, but shall still be reachable by email as always.

Don't forget to check out this post by the Mod if you play an Asgardian especially.

The next Malfunction Day is: March 30. Exaggerated Accents Day. Everyone wakes up speaking with very exaggerated accents. Sure to annoy the hell out of everyone!

'Kay, love ya, bye-bye. ♥

[info]silverknight in [info]chaosu_ooc

About my silence the last couple of days...

My dsl router is glitching since the last thunderstorm and I haven't been able to stay online for more than ca. 5 minutes. Until I managed to beat the slagging thing into submission, I'll have to call for a hiatus for me.

My apologies to all the people I still haven't replied to. It'll probably take a little bit more time.