February 24th, 2009

[info]schroedinger in [info]chaosu_ooc

LOL Last one I swear!

I have a job now. Really flexible~ So I'll be alot more active than I have been. :D Now if I could stop waking up at 5 or 6 am that would be lovely. ;-;

[info]holylance in [info]chaosu_ooc


This will effect:


I'm sorry, everyone. Due to family and financial troubles I just can't keep my mind on the game. We are likely going to be moving very soon, so I wouldn't be able to stay in the game for a while anyway. Once things settle down again, or if it turns out that we aren't going to be moving ASAP, I'll be back. I have no idea how long this will take, because I'll likely be without internet for a while even after we move.

I'm really sorry. If my characters are in any threads with you, just have them leave so that it doesn't bog the thread down.

Edit: IC reasons for my characters to be quiet:

Kain: Is spending most of his time out exploring and mapping CU.

Banru: Is laying low as he tries to figure out a way to steal some of Metatron's feathers.

L'Arachel: Has thrown herself completely into studying.

Edit Part Two: Also, this means that Blythe's pregnancy will be postponed until we're sure what the hell my schedule will be doing.