February 15th, 2009

[info]franksunderland in [info]chaosu_ooc

I'm going to be mostly away from the computer for a few days due to a visit by my daughter. I should be able to answer tags but won't be able to keep up with the journals. I'm sorry about that, but I look forward to seeing all of you again when I'm back.

[info]human_body in [info]chaosu_ooc

Only two people? ;_;

Hey, everyone! Do you want to be involved in helping Metatron get better? It doesn't mean that you'd have to be involved in tons of threads with a thousand people at once or anything, or even have to interact with Metatron a whole lot. It's just that the process of fixing Metatron was designed to give people a chance to have their characters get more involved in some important events. Some might involve fighting, some might be peaceful searches and having to simply come to understand a cryptic message.

For more details about the plot to help Metatron get better, please check out this entry kindly posted by the Vickster.

I'm bringing this up again because only two people have emailed me expressing interest in getting involved in the plot somehow. One other person aside from them has expressed interest. Are any more of you interested in taking part in the plot and having a bit of glory for your character? Either email me soon or reply to this thread, please. =3