January 18th, 2009

[info]midnight_prince in [info]chaosu_ooc

Firstly: Since Banru has responded, the Nightmare plot has officially begun. Starting this evening and every night thereafter, bad dreams shall be plaguing Niflheim. There will be a short reprieve during Zombie Week (because instead of going Resident Evil, Carrion will try to take over the zombies, but fail. xD), and then it'll start up again. Any other questions, leave here in this post~

Secondly: Uh, I didn't actually expect Mitch's suggestion to go anywhere (I hadn't known what to write at the time when I wanted to update xD). But anyway, every other weekend or so (except when there is a Malfunction Day/Week), Mitch will set up Games/Movie Nights. Threads for these are a tad impractical, but it's an idea for future things for Asgardians to do.

And um, yeeeeah. There it is.