January 15th, 2009

[info]boy_silhouette in [info]chaosu_ooc

Zombie Week

Zombie Week (January 25th to January 31st) is right around the corner, and this is to just clarify a few things.

1. All (intact) zombies will return to the Bloodmire on the night of the last day. And zombies who have been destroyed will have to be cleaned up manually. You kill it, you clean it up. This isn't to be mean, it's just to be real.

2. If you get bitten by a zombie, you have five hours before you "die" and come back completely undead. We're talking nothing but moans and groans, a hunger for flesh, and the inability to make rational decisions. Again, keeping it real. (On that note, just repeating what was said earlier - if you're turned, you won't remember a thing after you "die". When you come back at the end of the week, the last thing you remember is dying.)

3. If you'd like a weapon, there will be a gun on every person's desk when they wake up the first morning. You don't have to use the gun - it's not a requirement, because we know some people don't know that weapon or have their own weapons - it's just there in case you want to get Resident Evil on their asses. The guns will also disappear at the end of the week.

4. If you're in Emptiness, zombies will be there too. Nowhere is safe!

5. There is a safe room on the top floor of both houses. Zombies cannot enter here and it provides all the resources you need to stay cozy - food, a bathroom, some beds. This is for any character who thinks they can't handle the assault.

These are just posted to keep everything from getting messy or confusing. If there are any specific questions (like, I have no idea, "Are all the zombies humanoids?" Answer: No, they don't have to be.), feel free to ask!

[info]silverknight in [info]chaosu_ooc

Possible small plot idea

As Sidonai has sent Vader on a quest to the Valley of Flight to get some crystals for her, I'd like to ask if it would be ok when he'd ask Myre to go with him. He would probably call it a training exercise for Myre, or something similar.

Your opinion, please?