December 31st, 2008

[info]rice_ball in [info]chaosu_ooc


Unfortunately my computer decided to die on me a couple of days before Christmas and it looks like I am going to have to go on hiatus until I can get it repaired or get a new one. :(

um... I did have a list of gifts for Tohru to give out but I cannot access it. Basically, I had planned on her giving everyone their favorite dessert! and um... Cookies for those in Neflheim if it could be arranged somehow. If not that is alright too!

Oh! And thank you for the Ecard Clara! ^_^

[info]snake_sorceress in [info]chaosu_ooc

Me Against the World~

First off, hope everyone had a good Christmas (I was surprised how many liked the ecards I sent, and that it was actually a series/character they liked on it. I thought I was being random in picking them, weird. O-o), and that the New Year will be good to you all as well.~

Now, I also offer apologies for being failtastic of late. I know most were busy at Christmas, but I really should have gotten back into things sooner. I was working after Christmas, and well, family stuff that I may have mentioned before is still hard on people. Death in the family, that's all I'll say, because I don't want to drone on and sound like an attention seeker. But yeah, especially around the holidays, you can guess how it went.

Also, I will not be around from tomorrow afternoon until around the same time on Saturday. We're going to my gran's for New Year's dinner, and my brother and I will be staying there for two nights, and since she doesn't have a computer, well, no internet or RP for me. Calling a hiatus here for Morana and Medusa til Saturday evening when I come home.

I will be around tonight and tomorrow, and try to catch some tags before I go, but if I do leave any hanging, I apologise in advance. Feel free to poke me here if any plots or character interactions need discussing.~

EDIT: Forgot about this due to bringing in the bells and being knackered last night. ^^; Just to remind everyone, all Asgardians got a little bunch of wild flowers outside their doors for Christmas from Morana, with a little card wishing them Merry Christmas in her childlike handwriting.

As for Medusa, she ain't the most generous person around, but in order to keep up her polite facade, she'll have left everyone in Niflheim a small bottle of homemade medicine which can act as a pickmeup for if your character is feeling down or low on energy, kinda like a magical version of canned caffine drinks. It will be enchanted to look, smell and taste like something your character would enjoy, but she'll just say she made a lucky guess on the flavours. Each will have a tag wishing them well for the holidays of course.~ The stuff is actually innocent enough, no poison, no tricks or anything. Is she going soft during the holidays, or trying to gain trust? Even I'm not sure. XD

Again, poke me if needed, I still have a couple of hours before I have to leave on hiatus. <3

Happy New Year everyone!