December 29th, 2008

[info]my_private_life in [info]chaosu_ooc


Just a head's up that I am on vacation! I am in sunny L.A for the week, getting away from the cold and snow of the mile-high mountains!

[info]blind_oracle in [info]chaosu_ooc

Merry XXXmas

Kain has tricked Dorian into believing the condoms he received from L for Christmas are balloons. With Dorian's help (the mummy's ignorance and knowledge of the helium cylinder he used for both Asgard parties were a plus), Kain has returned his gift to L.

If you should see a random "balloon" or two floating by, this is because of butterfingers Dorian, who accidentally let go of a few.

Just thought you guys should know. ♥