December 24th, 2008

[info]zefiris in [info]chaosu_ooc

Off Hiatus (sorta)

I'm on winter break, but my family usually spends New Year's on the coast, where my internet will be iffy. I don't know when we're leaving (if we're going), but I'd be incommunicado for an average of a week. Regardless, it's good to be back.

I'll post Zefi's presents when I figure them out. ^_^'

[info]silverknight in [info]chaosu_ooc

Happy Holidays

I wish you all some nice and happy holidays.

I'll be back for the game tomorrow. Me and my mum are doing an imprompto movie marathon tonight, so I won't be able to reply to anything until tomorrow morning.

Hugs and wishes to you all.

- Delilah