December 13th, 2008

[info]hornfreak in [info]chaosu_ooc

Thinking out a possible plot...

So, Midvalley is pretty teed off at Sal, so much so that he's mentioned to Jazz wanting to defect to Asgard. I also feel that this is IC for him because of actions he took in canon in the manga. However he'd never leave Jazz behind if it came to it. I have no idea if that would ever even be allowed, but I'm proposing it as a plot idea (at least, his desire to do it, not necessarily actually doing it.)

It would take place after the meetings with Lina; in fact he might be more tempted because of his conversations as she might mention something about Asgard.

The obvious person for him to approach would seem to be Mitch, if Mitch's player is OK with that. So it might only add up to one meeting with one character, or something more.

Thoughts, anyone?

ETA: I also don't want it to interfere with/take away from the Brandy plot.