November 30th, 2008

[info]firstofsix in [info]chaosu_ooc

Ahahaha, work.

So apparently I am working a 4 day work week again, and nobody told me!

My Tuesdays will be as slow as my Thursday-Saturdays now, I'm sorry guys. D: <3

[info]lonely_vocals in [info]chaosu_ooc

Okay class, can you point out who's been a total epic failboat the last few days?

*And have all fingers pointing at Clara*

Yes, thank you. I apologise for dropping tags a lot the last few days, but I have deadlines hanging over me until the end of term, and sadly they won't let me be just yet. So, from now up until I finish essays I need to do, I'll be scarce. I'll catch up with tagging tonight, and will still be around, just less than usual. I'll be back to normal by the 10th of December at the latest, though I'm aiming to try and get most things done by the end of this week.

If you need for anything, my contact details are on the list.

The good news is once that's out the way, I'm finished for Christmas and won't have anything else I need to do till after New Year when the term starts again, so that means roughly 4 weeks break! <3

One more thing! Hope all in the USA had a nice Thanksgiving, and well, today is kinda our version of the holiday, though it's not as big or as vastly celebrated. Regardless, the inner Scottish Patriot in me wants to wish you all Happy St Andrews Day.~