November 18th, 2008

[info]holylance in [info]chaosu_ooc

Asgard Plots!

SO! It appears as though Henry and Kain are thinking of organizing a large scale plot against Niflheim. There are a hell of a lot of characters that have expressed an interest in this, and rather then sending out emails to everyone I thought it would be a lot easier to discuss this here.

How would we make this plot work? What exactly would your characters have in mind? Which villains would be involved? Who would handle what? These are all things that need to be ironed out before we can go forward with it, which is why I'm starting up this discussion.

As far as villains go, I know right off the bat that I can offer Banru. He may be tough to deal with, unless Lina or another magic user is present, but he certainly won't be going around slaughtering people either. And while it is difficult to injure him with physical weapons, he can still feel the pain from them. While he is adept at magic, he's only slightly above average when it comes to physical strength. And since he's been doing so much to help out Sal lately, he's pretty much running on empty, as far as magic goes.

It goes without saying that Kain will want to be in on this. I think we're all aware of what he's capable of, by this point. xD

As for Henry's idea for splitting up into teams: I think it's great. We just have to work out who would be on which teams, and which villains might run into which team. This doesn't have to happen all at once, it can span the space of a few days, weeks, months, whatever.

Alright, guys! Thoughts? Anything to share? Even if your character isn't involved in the plot, feel free to share ideas.

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Alas and woe, but...!

Okay, good news and bad news.

I got a tad bit behind on threads because I was considering something and couldn't come up with a solution. So I'm afraid that without any particular event, I have to sign Alice off of the game. I felt that all the characters I had offered something useful to the game (and various characters care about this or that character), so I found getting rid of any of them very difficult as a decision.

But the fact is that i'm not playing the NPCs or my PCs as I should be, and part of this is because of HOW MANY I have to keep up with. One of them has to go for there to be a significant improvement, especially when I want to use my characters to increase the fun in the game.

Instead, I've bogged people down with EXTREMELY slow responses (I mean, over a day is fine, it's in the rules, but i've just been too slow consistently), and it has to stop! So!

Alice Elliot has to be removed, and she's stumbled peacefully out through a portal. D=

I just thought i'd add in a public apology too, since I wasn't very good and i'm the mod. But moving on, and onto improvement. <3

[info]silverknight in [info]chaosu_ooc

Just to make sure...

Is it just me, or is there some glitch with the community layouts?

I only see a white page with text like here, and not the green it normally looks like. It's the same for the OOC as well.