November 5th, 2008

[info]rice_ball in [info]chaosu_ooc

I apologies to everyone for being so slow posting lately. Things got busy around here, and I haven’t had a lot of time on the computer. But I will definitely get back into things now!

To explain Tohru’s absence in game for the past week or so, let’s just say she has been busy in the library pouring though cookbooks in order to make everyone their delicious desserts that she inquired about in her journal. I would like to have her deliver them to everyone soon, but I am not so sure when the best time will be what with a number of people in the game on hiatus and all.

She also needs to find someone trustworthy to deliver goodies to Niflheim because a couple of people from that side replied to her journal, and she wouldn’t want anyone to feel left out.

[info]heaven_within in [info]chaosu_ooc

The New NPC

A new NPC will be debuting today - it's [info]boughtnsold. I won't share much information about her, so that the characters can explore her better. As a note - she has a history tied both to Metatron and Lucifer, and is mostly present to allow for extra plot twists and all.

She is a neutral character with slightly chaotic tendencies and she's a demon despite her neutrality. She'll be setting up a shop in Emptiness, but it isn't ready yet and won't be for at least another month. <3

Also, I apologize for any delays with my threads - i've been working on some school projects, but i'm not on a hiatus. Just busy. D=

A few important notes:
The same rules apply for this NPC as stated in the rules for Metatron and Lucifer, with two exceptions. Sydonai is not meant to be a character as...interactive as Metatron and Lucifer, and she isn't as powerful nor does she carry the same authority as either of them. She is, however, very immune to anything characters might try on her. =3