October 22nd, 2008

[info]givemefood in [info]chaosu_ooc

Tiny Hiatus

I'd be posting/plotting with people tonight, but i'll have to get back to people tomorrow - I'm preparing for a major test I have tomorrow morning, but I'll be able to take care of things again tomorrow!

And boy, is there a lot of interaction/plotting I have planned. D=

[info]rascal_phoenix in [info]chaosu_ooc

Small Hiatus, Too! D:

Yeah, dude, let's rack 'em up.

Just to say that I won't be very active over the next...um...2, maybe 3? days. I'll keep on the threads, but journals will be a bit slow. So don't go thinking you need to respond to my comments right away or anything! Take y'all's time. There's no rush.