October 11th, 2008

[info]lonely_vocals in [info]chaosu_ooc

Possible Plot Fun with New Character

Hey Everyone~

This is just a quick note about how on Saturday (which it already is where I am technically but I know a lot of the players are behind me as far at timezones are concerned)  my new character Medusa from the anime/manga Soul Eater will be arriving in Niflheim and able to start playing in the game. Her journal just hasn't been accepted into the comm or ooc board yet. ~

Anyway, a quick few things you might like to know about her: 

- She's a witch, with rather dangerous powers and good combat skills, so getting on her bad side might mean something nasty for your character. Even in her own world witches are hunted down as evil souls

-  She likes snakes. She has thousands inside her body, and will use them I might add. She also has a thing for arrows/vectors, which can be noted with the nail polish design on her fingers and toes, but it's also part of her magic attacks.

- She's a scientist, who's been experimenting with using black blood to strengthen a meister physically and merge them with their weapon.

- She's a mother. Her child Chrona was the unfortunate subject she used to test out the black blood, also forcing Chrona to fight and take human souls to try and become a Kishin (Demon God).

-She's dead...ish. In the series she's killed (incidentally by a guy she says she loved) but only loses her body, as is able to escape in the form of a snake to find a new body to inhabit, though I've pulled her into CU before she does that.

If anyone's interested, go look at Medusa's profile (though I still need to fix a few things) to find out a little more about her. I'm sorry if it sounds confusing, generally you have to understand the canon of the series, which I've explained in a bit more detail in her profile. Also, if anyone wants to give me a heads up as to any sort of interaction or plotting with her, feel free to poke me.

[info]schroedinger in [info]chaosu_ooc

Schro-kuns goin to get serious nao.

As the subject says, Schro is going to get serious and learn more about Asgardians in general soon. (As soon as we get the lappy fixed, which we are still talking about. u_u) But this is a heads-up, and if there's a chara. that might want to meet him or see him at least? XD He wont blow it up or anything, so y'all are safe. ^^

[info]heaven_within in [info]chaosu_ooc

Clarification Post

For those who are somewhat newer to the game, and for those who never fully understood or may have questions, I thought i'd mention a few basic things about Emptiness, closets, and kitchens. Aside from that i'll add a little note about character information that everyone should read.

What do these have in common? Click the little lj-cut link if you're curious to find out?

Emptiness, Closets, Kitchens and Characters. )

Long story short - remember Emptiness isn't in shambles, kitchens provide the food you want, closets provide the clothes one needs, and just 'cause a character isn't as active doesn't mean they aren't wandering around. I thought i'd clarify. <3

Any questions? x3