October 2nd, 2008

[info]rascal_phoenix in [info]chaosu_ooc

Computer Problems

Long story short, my laptop has 220 viruses on it, I'm using a main computer, this main computer is old and it has decided that it no longer wishes to receive or send emails. It's having a down day / week / month. My work-related aol is fine, but the one that receives IJ comment notices is currently not working. This is going to delay my responses, because I have to check to see if people updated the hard way.

If people are having problems with my updating, because I'm sure I'll forget to check a few places (;_;), my IJ is writerofwrongs. Just swing by there and poke me - I'll be checking it frequently - if you need me to remember to update in a journal or a thread. Also, for the people involved with the plot email that I sent out the other night, writerofwrongs is a good place to keep talking to me about those plots.

I'm sorry, guys! D: If I suddenly disappear from character conversations, it's not that I don't care. ♥ EDIT: Email working again! =D

[info]pyro_madness in [info]chaosu_ooc

personal reminder list

Just a post listing all the plots my characters are involved in right now.

And be sure to check on Vicky's post below for her news!