September 7th, 2008

[info]bakuhatsushinji in [info]chaosu_ooc

Well、I kind of disappeared again there, but it was due to my laptop dying. Seems it chose to die right about when everyone became busy again -.- I'll do my best to catch up now I have a brand new laptop (yay!).

[info]blind_oracle in [info]chaosu_ooc

Off Hiatus

I'm back from Georgia! The wedding was nice. Ultra-Christian (for example, the bride and groom did not exchange rings, but Bibles, and there was no dancing at the reception because it's sinful). So, of course, my uncles, aunts, and I were singled out for being the ones to sneak booze and imported wines (thank you, Aunt Debbie) into the hotel every night and did the electric slide in the far back corner of the reception hall.

Overall, the wedding was great, the reception was meh, I saw a water tower shaped like a giant ass (okay, it was a peach, but seriously now, it looked like a massive ass), one of the Comfort Inns had sex beds (defined by large quantities of unexplained stains on the sheets) while the other one was brand new, and I learned that people in Georgia pronounce 'van' and 'chair' with three syllables. All good times.

SO! I'll start posting again tomorrow - threads I need to hop into, conversations I need to finish, journals to bother, and Alessa's private entry (yes, I saw~).

Just, you know, howdy y'all!