August 28th, 2008

[info]lonely_vocals in [info]chaosu_ooc

Early Notice: Impending Hiatus

Okay guys, I just to do this now while I remember, mainly because I may forget nearer the time 1. due to hurrying preparation and packing, and 2. because right now I suspect I might be coming down with an infection, and if I am, don't know how much time I will spend online. (going to the doctors today anyway, so...wait and see.)

I will be on full hiatus starting next week from the 6th-12th of September, because I am going away on holiday, flying across the Atlantic to spend a week in New York, hopefully finding out why named it twice. Nevertheless, I will have no internet access, and even if I did I would be rather busy sightseeing, shopping, going to Broadway shows etc. Plus my mum would probably kill me if I went anywhere near a computer. Anyway, I should be around, though a bit scarely until Friday the 5th, so everyone knows. And though I will be jetlagged on Saturday the 13th, I should be able to post on that day.

Now you may ask, what will Morana be doing while I'm gone. Well, I have an idea what I would like to do with her so she's not totally idle, since she's not the sort of character to sit around and do nothing, but it will need to be discussed with Chrissy first, and considering all that's happened this week, understandably it may take a bit of time to organise. I will edit this post in due course when something is settled, but for now, thanks for listening everyone.~

[info]boy_silhouette in [info]chaosu_ooc


*Deep breath*


I will spare everyone the drama - an OOC Board is hardly the place! - but I think I'll be back from hiatus sometime on Saturday. Most of the chaos has cooled; the funeral was this morning and many of my relatives have just left. This whole affair...God, I feel like I've aged fifty years and that my heart has turned into some sort of black hole. My Auntie Eileen likened it to an empty well during a drought. That sounds very much like what it feels like, kinda like you can't even get the air out of your lungs, cuz it gets sucked right back in. But I said I would spare the drama, didn't I.

Anyway, I would really like to start getting back to my old schedule. The sooner, the better, or else I'll just never get out of this in one piece. Thank you to everyone's kind words and sentiments. Thank you to Brandi and Chrissy for helping with the hiatus notices and thank you, Hannah, for the personal well-wishes as well. You are dear to my heart.

See you guys soon! I'm looking forward to kickin' up some dirt, y'all!