August 26th, 2008

[info]yagami_light in [info]chaosu_ooc

Semi-Hiatus Notice

Yes, sorry, yet another one of our players is on semi-hiatus. Let me explain why:

I got into an argument with my dad yesterday, and it all went downhill from there. First it was no computer at all, then no internet and then a long conversation that leaves me wondering how much internet I'm allowed each day. But, one main thing they did was tell me one essential thing:

No roleplay.

All they can think of are the people who would get so into Dungeons and Dragons that they cared of nothing else, and would even kill themselves over it. They fear the same thing is happening to me.

So, of course, this results in the fact that I can't RP at home unless I know my parents won't be around. If anyone can be on during around...I believe 11:30-1:45 (Eastern Time) I could RP with you online and talk OOCly through posts as that is my 3rd period which I end up having a lot of free time in and, guess what? It's a computer class. The only problem with that is the teacher tends to like to make the computers blocked whenever she's talking or making us learn something (which sucks as all I'm learning now is basic HTML, which I already knew). But..anyway...I can get online at school at times, but, as said before, there will be little RP at home and I might not even be able to go online for a while at home. I do not know the verdict of this.

Another main thing they said was that 'they miss the little girl they used to know.' That, basically, I've changed, and for the worse. They decided to compare me to characters in Death Note, and, yes, you can only guess who I was related to.

Basically, in real life, I seem to stay in character for Light a bit too much. I've become a bit more self-centered and quite indifferent to anyone else.

So, yes...after the Trials...I'm going to kill off Light. (If I get that far before being completely knocked off of here)

I don't want to, but it seems I need to. I need to kill him off and get some happy, nice character to play so I can get in character with them and be what my parents want me to be. I've been looking into Akazukin Cha Cha (sp?) lately, and I believe I could find a happy character in it and that will also make my BB-muse happy, so...I believe that would work all around..if I can like the show/manga enough.

Also, there is now an open-door policy at my house. I can't close the door or lock it or anything. So, they can barge in at any time. This means if I am RPing or such, it'll be closed out of quite quickly if I hear them coming down the hall.

This also means I have to watch what I say over the phone (sorry Lexi, really) and I can't talk about shonen ai or yaoi or shojo ai or yuri or anything interesting anymore unless I'm talking in code...sorta, or if my parents aren't there.

Well, that's all I can think to say. Sorry if I can't be on much..but I will try my best to respond to things and lead up to Light's death well.

So, Lexi, be planning up Light's death like crazy now..because your chance is coming in less than a month.

EDIT: I will also be available for RP this Friday at 8:15-9:45. My ITS guy I'm apprenticed to will not be there so I will have a free period.

And a character I know I might be able to try for is Matsuda...but I know he'll have some angst with the whole I dunno.