August 17th, 2008

[info]yagami_light in [info]chaosu_ooc

Sadly, I believe I am going to have to drop Vincent. I've been thinking on it a lot and...I honestly think it'd be best. I find it hard to get in touch with his character, and it makes me uncomfortable when I play him...So..yes, sorry for everyone who may have wanted to interact with him (and I'm sorry to Maria, since she will no longer have him around).

Though, I am willing to play a 'going away' type thread with him. if Maria-Player would like to do so, they can be traveling in Emptiness and he be grabbed up by one of those portal things that returns him to his normal world, and it closes up before she can get through. This could explain why people don't just stumble on these things when out traveling.

Does that sound good? If not, we can just forgo it and just have him disappear.

[info]holylance in [info]chaosu_ooc

Sort of almost not quite hiatus!

So, on Wednesday my mother and brother are heading off to Canada for roughly two weeks, and I'll pretty much be holding down the fort here, babysitting my father, and working. So while I'm not going to totally disappear, I'm sure I probably won't be as quick to respond.

Just a friendly heads up, so that people don't wonder why I've suddenly started replying slowly. <3