August 14th, 2008

[info]zefiris in [info]chaosu_ooc


I'm afraid I will be on hiatus until September 1st. Zefi's going on holiday with me, to be explained in an IC post on her journal.

Details/Bitching Within )

Thank you all for being fantastic. I can't wait to get back into this in a few weeks.

[info]boy_silhouette in [info]chaosu_ooc


CONGRATULATIONS to my MOTHER AND FATHER for DIVORCING today, this day of August 14th, 2008! Cheers to the pair of affair-hiding, pill-popping, therapy-seeking, self-esteem-crushing duo that fucked up the last four years of my life! You guys are great. Keep keeping it real, cuz god knows I love being on suicide watch again.

PS: I feel much better, thanks.

And I didn't leave a comment box, cuz, y'know...just one of those things.