August 6th, 2008

[info]synapse_glitch in [info]chaosu_ooc

Up and coming Hiatus

I'm putting a note up now before I forget: I'm going to be on a slow hiatus from the 8th-12th of Aug (my graduation weekend means guests, partying, and not as much net time. If you are curious, I'm getting my BA degree in Studio Art, concentration in Ceramics & 3D studies), and then the 13th until an unknown date I'll be on a complete hiatus due to the move up to Ohio. The reason I am unsure as to when I'll be back is because I don't know if I can pick up a wifi signal in my new place, or if I'll have to actually break down and pay for it.

So wish me luck in getting it for free and I'll hopefully see you guys sooner rather than later!

If you want to talk to me on AIM, Dragontrap is the SN I use on my phone, so feel free to IM me at least if you don't see me online within a day after my move (That's one of the first things I'll be doing when I get there, trying to find a wifi signal).

[info]mello_keehl in [info]chaosu_ooc

Plotting Alert! Kidnapped!Blythe Conclusion

Hee. Pirate week-and-a-half or so has been really fun. The prior plot, though, involving a kidnapped Blythe, gleeful Sal, vindictive Light, interested Dante, and distraught pretty-much-everyone-else, needs wrapping up.

So, this is mostly aimed at the mod and the characters involved, since we have a need to wrap the threads up (chronologically, at least) before "Pirates" begins. I intend to propose a suggestion that the players of Light, Dante, Kain, etc, can review and tweak as needed.

Basically, I would like to request permission for my character to shine and do what he's good at, which is figure out things like this. ^^ He's about due for a victory of some kind anyway, and has made his share of mistakes and taken the fallout for his mun's (hurdur.) Since some of this has not been formally threaded or mentioned in journals, I wanted to check with the players and see if this sequence of events for L's "rescue Blythe" plan works.

MEGA EDIT: Henry-mun has offered a stellar suggestion, and I think that, by following blood spatters, disturbances, footprints, and contacting Mello, L can figure out where they've taken Blythe. Sorry for over-complicating things beyond reason, for awhile, but... I'm an L-mun, and it's in my nature. :D

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Help Me Improve CU?

EDIT: PLEASE, EVERYONE, DO NOT CONTINUE EVENTS PAST PIRATE WEEK UNTIL THIS IS DISCUSSED WITH MOST PLAYERS. I know that it doesn't end until a few days from now, but I want to make SURE that most players have the choice to talk to me about what's contained here, as it will probably affect the future passing of time in CU.

If you guys have any ideas on how to possibly improve CU, let me know in the suggestion box. But also, I want to make a note for everyone~!

After the Blythe kidnapping thread events, I wanted to note that players may request that the days slow down more noticeably. My intention was to keep time loose in this game so that players could decide when to speed up or slow down themselves, but this isn't turning out too well. During plot-heavy events, whether characters are involved or not, i'm willing to have time go more slowly to ensure that things get worked on without forcing things too far ahead.

As an example, if we're undergoing a particularly plot-heavy period of time in CU, I AM willing to slow things down. If people need an actual representation of time being slowed so that people follow this better, we can do something where each day becomes one third of a day - and characters are not to go too far ahead. Time would still be loose, and characters could post things that go on early, noonish or late in the day regardless of which day it was, but people wouldn't really be welcomed to move ahead of that particular day yet.

I don't think the game is very friendly towards very involved threads right now, and I'm willing to think of ways to alter this somewhat with all of you. If you have any ideas, share them, and we can think about them. =3

Ah, and these suggestions can be shared here, the earlier link was for unrelated things as a reminder. XD

[info]my_private_life in [info]chaosu_ooc


Hahaha, sorry to pile on the OOC posts, but....

I've just found out I have the opportunity to move into town, into a lovely house, right smack in the middle of the town where everything is within a few blocks. So I'm going for it, because living in the middle of nowhere as a near-thirty cripple without a working car just isn't... well, working! (Not to mention upkeep of the ranch is hellish.)

I've got a month to pack and make arrangements and get everything in order, so from now until mid-September, I'm definitely not going to be around as much. But I shall still be posting!

(Though please forgive me if I don't get to comments for a few hours, as I'm still giddy and reeling and having difficulty concentrating on much of anything!)

[info]silverknight in [info]chaosu_ooc

As OOC as it can probably get

I just realized that I've made over 1800 one thousand eight hundred!! posts in this game. That is the most that I've ever made; the high-score before that was a comparable tiny amount of only a bit over 300 posts.

So, wow. Just wow.

I want to thank all of you for making this such a fantastic and fun game to play.

[info]silverknight in [info]chaosu_ooc

Some handy things that make rpg-ing more comfortable

These are some links that I found to be life-saving for my journal posting, especially when it comes to role playing. I hope you find them helpful.

Note: These are add-ons for Firefox. Some of them are available for Internet Explorer or Opera, but I'm not sure of how reliable they are working in a non-Firefox environment.

LJlogin - it lets you be logged in into multiple journal accounts; works on InsaneJournal, LiveJournal, JournalFen, DeadJournal and Scribbld

Greasemonkey or Stylish need to be installed for the following scripts to work.

This shrinks your comment pages by making the userpics smaller. (adapted for IJ from this)

LJ Thread Unfolder - does what is says, it unfolds all those sometimes annoying collapsed threads.

my_LiveJournal_style lets you see all comment pages in your journal style, which is necessary for the comment shrinker to work.

And if you feel the need to always read the full user profiles, but are too lazy to always type ?mode=full at the end of the url, this will do the job for you.