July 26th, 2008

[info]bakuhatsushinji in [info]chaosu_ooc

Upcoming semi-hiatus

Admittedly this is advance notice, but I just want to get it posted before I completely forget and the next, oh god, two and a half weeks? Are going to be busy so I inevitably WILL forget.

In mid-late August I will be on a semi-hiatus because I have no clue as to what my internet will be like.

August 16 - 22, I'm in Tokyo. I'll undoubtedly have internet there, but I don't know how often I'll be able to check my email's and post since Tokyo is going to be insanely busy for me (meeting up with friends ♥) From there, I can't remember if I'm going to Takayama or Nagano first, but I really have no clue about internet in EITHER of those places (staying in guest houses), so that'll be until the 26th-ish.

From the 27th I'll be living in Osaka and whilst I will have internet there, I'll be fairly busy until the 5thish of September (and hopefully the 6th I'll be in Tokyo at the Kokuritsu hope so bad)

So, if my posting starts to slow in the run up to the 16th, that's why, and if it's kind of, non-existent over that period, that's also why. I'll try and think of something that Shinji and Okita would be doing orz

[info]franksunderland in [info]chaosu_ooc

Frank fic...

I wrote more fic about Frank and how he met his wife Judith (who I made up completely and made fanon for in this RP, so I thought it was relevant). Just in case anyone wants to read it, it's here.

[info]strix in [info]chaosu_ooc

OOC Niflheim Plots

This post is for players of Niflheim Characters )

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Trial Update

Extra trial information here. The representatives have been changed slightly. Originally I was going to keep the first roster and replace Will with Okita, but that won't work because of the trial dates.

Players who do not get a character in as a representative this time will eventually have a turn! Every character will take part in one of the trials at some point.

Please reply to this entry and let me know if you're okay with your character being part of the trial officially, finally now. xD If you do not want a character that's on the roster in this particular trial, let me know now or forever hold your peace? D=

The riddles will not be shared until the day Sphinxie (see the above link) shares them in an IC, ceremonial-type thread, but this is a good update. However, if players would rather I share the riddles (I won't share the answers yet) now, before the characters even know about them, then i'll consider putting them up somewhere soon. Just don't tell other people the answers if you figure it out somehow, because it might ruin the experience for them.

So! Questions? Concerns? Comments? Confirmations on the rosters? Feel free to start asking me about anything and everything now.

[info]franksunderland in [info]chaosu_ooc

Frank hunting for Glitch

Glitch's player and I have agreed that Frank should go to Niflheim to "rescue" Glitch (though currently he's not in danger so much as just lost). The problem I'm having with this is that it would be out of character for Frank not to ask for help first and people generally respond. Plus I want him to get out of Niflheim alive.

So, I'm looking for a way to arrange for Asgard people to ICly not be able to help and for Frank to not encounter someone who would want to kill him in Niflheim. If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them.

Also if the Walter player would like Walter to meet Frank that could be cool (albeit possibly dangerous).

ETA: If it's easier I can have Frank look for Glitch somewhere else, such as the Emptiness, but it still might be interesting to have him run into some Niflheim people.

ETA 2, Son of ETA: Dorian will be going with Frank, it looks like. So what I might just do is have him post asking someone to go, and have Dorian show up and urge him that they should set out, and in OOC say that no one else should answer until they're already gone.