July 24th, 2008

[info]bakuhatsushinji in [info]chaosu_ooc

Sia here! Unfortunately, even though I haven't had him that long, I will be dropping Rion ([info]apolinar) since I absolutely cannot get a feel for his character. I was hoping that being involved in a thread would help with that, but apparently not D: (Many apologies to Zefiris-mun).

So, if you can, please remove [info]apolinar from your f-list.

I will hopefully be picking up a different character in his place, and... I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts as to how the character would fit in with the game if I did app for him? I've put some info up here, so if anyone has any ideas, I'd be happy to here them :D Since I don't want to pick up a character I'm going to struggle with again orz He'd be on Niflheim's side since I'm taking him mid-series (and I'm not 100% sure as to how closely Maou will follow Mawang until the end).

He's a lawyer, but is slightly not 100% correct in the head. Other than that he's a pleasant guy. If you can ignore the almost permanent BLANK EXPRESSION.

[info]heaven_within in [info]chaosu_ooc

Mod's Back!

I'm finally healthy again, soooo!

The mod's returned. But I'm really busy today, so i'm technically going to start being active again tomorrow.

Many, many apologies to everyone i'm in a thread with, and I would love to continue them. =3 If anyone would rather they not be continued, let me know - i'm up for discussing stuff if one thinks continuing a thread is more problematic than not.

As for Rion's, Will's and Raiden's disappearances, plot-wise we can just consider them having (accidentally or not) discovered another one of those portals.

I'll have trial information up for everyone sometime this weekend if I can get everything worked out, and that means Malfunction Days will be going up too.

I also want to thank everyone so, so much for being so good about the game as well as contributing to the Malfunction Day list and everything else.