July 20th, 2008

[info]luke_lawliet in [info]chaosu_ooc

And Lexi is Bored Again!

Hello. ^^ So, I've spent the last few days immersing myself in Silent Hill. Movies, music, and youtube footage of the games, oh my.

It's very cool. Do you know that I've actually downloaded a pair of ringtones? "Alessa Leaves a Clue," and the Silent Hill "Siren" for when my dear mother dares to contact me.

Soooo. I'm planning to apply for a character from this remarkable canon.

At first, I was all about Pyramid Head... but realized there wasn't a lot I could do with his personal attributes, history... oh, hell. An allegory for James's guilt pretty much leaves me stranded everywhere. x_x

So, any advice from long-time aficionados? Do we need a James, an Angela...?

[info]holy_assumption in [info]chaosu_ooc

That last spot is killing me...

The last one is killing me, since I'm not sure who to bring in. :/ I'd like to even the sides a little bit, but I'd like one to be on Asgard's side, too... Anyway~

Venom (Ultimate Spiderman, not the movie.) 3
Joker (Dark Knight) 5
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) 2
and Tommy Dawkins (Big Wolf On Campus) 1

Please help? They won't get app'd right away... and if it's ok with the mod, could I perhaps ask some of you for a sample RP with any one of them? I'd really appreciate it~. Thanks, guys.

EDIT: Kiba's out of it, and so far, Joker's wining by two.

Offer to help with icons, have a two examples (Still playing with the progam. :D; )