June 25th, 2008

[info]zefiris in [info]chaosu_ooc

Intro: New Player

This is my first time using any online journal-type device, so I hope there aren't any serious technical failures on my part. My name's Kyra, and I will be joining you as Zefiris from Scrapped Princess. All of her information is up on her profile if you're curious.

Feel free to email me; I'm especially interested in potential interactions with characters like Jazz that possess advanced technological skills that can mess with Zefiris's programming.
Looking forward to playing with you,


[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Tag Explanations

What are the tags available, and what are they for? This might be a question for some people, so I thought i'd make a post elaborating on this.

On the CU Board, tags are to help describe the thread and also make it more easy to filter through threads of a specific type. Are you curious to know what's happened in Room 303? Maybe you want to know what threads Blythe has taken part in? With the thread tags, it's much easier to filter through and search for what you're looking for. On the OOC board it features the same purpose with a slight difference - instead of making it more easy to navigate through roleplay threads, it helps people search through important discussions, silly questions, or just entertaining conversations people have had on the OOC board.

Here's a sort of explanation for each tag. For the main CU board where roleplaying takes place, it'll probably be fairly simple.

Chaos Unraveled: Main Board Tags )
OOC Board Tags )
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here! Suggestions/alterations/removals should be made here though.

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc


After conversing with several of the players, I thought i'd add a fun, extra little thing for players to enjoy.

Do specific songs make you think of a character (either your own or someone else's), a scene, a setting, or even an overall "Chaos Unraveled" theme? Don't be afraid - share them! Simply comment to this thread with the band name and song title. In addition, you can share a youtube or veoh link if you want people to be able to hear the music. The video does not have to be the offical one.

As a note to take care of any potential problems before they start though - don't be shy! If someone's already posted a song that makes them think of a character, and that same song makes you think of a DIFFERENT character, you can post it for that too! No one "owns" these songs except the creators of the music themselves, and this is just for fun so people can share their music when it somehow relates to CU. If you want, you can even post why the song(s) you're sharing make you think of what you're sharing it for. Whether it's silly, serious, or just plain enjoyable, don't be afraid to share~! Any kind of music goes - yes, even if it's a game theme or or musical number!

The format of each song shared will be:
Band name - song name (If there's a link) (Who it's posted by) Insert reason why here if you want to provide one.

The Chaos Unraveled Soundtrack )

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Suggestion Box

Have a suggestion on how to improve CU for everyone, but aren't sure where to ask or how? Simply comment here. Things may or may not be changed, but the mod will always consider every single suggestion given!

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Link Index

This post contains (or should contain) every single important link you may need or want to look at. If you ever think that there is a better way to organize this link index, feel free to let me know.

The Link Index )