June 23rd, 2008

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

A Little Request If Anyone's Interested?

Hello guuuuuuys~!

Yes, your mod has been updating the RP site since like...3 AM. So this part MIGHT come out a little silly. Soooo. I was wondering.

The Mod's Request! )
I was just wondering if anyone would like to help offer me organizational suggestions as far as that goes. I might alter what you suggest a little, but I really would like any and all tidbits of aid on this, for those who are willing. =3

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Tag Requests

Has the mod forgotten to add a character's name to the list on the main CU board? Perhaps you have extra tag suggestions? Feel free to request that the mod create new tags for the main CU board here.

Do you want there to be different tags on the OOC board? Offer up suggestions and tell me why~!

The only thing is, for the 'subject' line of your comment, put Main Board or OOC Board depending on which community you want tag updates for, so I can tell more easily. Though if you want to comment/talk about other people's tag requests, or simply chat about tags, you don't have to use a particular subject line.

[info]taichouokita in [info]chaosu_ooc

So! I (Sia, Shinji-mun) have picked up two new characters, who will be introduced into the game on the 5th. They are Rion Steiner ([info]apolinar) and Souji Okita ([info]taichouokita).

If anyone would like to plot with either, just let me know via a comment, or something (or, indeed Shinji, even! NB: Balam-mun, I just got the comment notification today; major apologies. If you wanted to wrap the thread up, I completely understand. I could have sworn I replied D:)

Both will be introduced for heaven's side, and Souji has information up in his journal here. As I'm in a bit of a rush (I'm on my lunch break from work), I'll post some quick info about Rion under a cut, and edit the post later when everything's neatened up.

Rion's profile and info is here.

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Several Updates!

I have great news and not so great news! First, the not-so-great news. River Tam is no longer in the game because of inactivity and general confusion over how the game was meant to be played. I discussed it with her and unable to clarify things well enough for her to understand, she's decided to opt out of the game. Because she didn't interact much, feel free to act as if River was never in the RPG. [info]lilsoulbigworld was her account. Please remove her from your friendslists!

Onto the great news! Okay everyone! We have new characters coming in Saturday, July 5th! Curious to know who they are?
Look here! )

However, you may have noticed that I haven't given a few characters rooms. Well, that's because I have a request of those who read this~! It might be fun for you guys, so check it out~!
Curious? )

Other than that, the Taken Character List, Quick Add List, main CU board tags, Contact Information, Places of Interest and the Chronology of Events have all been updated. The Chronology of Events still needs more updating, so if anyone wants to help post important moments in the game for me to add, just comment to the CoE with links and descriptions~! For the people who have helped so far: Thank you so, so much with the CoE help!

Extra notes: The Quick Add and Taken Character List has been updated again, though the PoI needs to be one more time for room updates. Also, Schrodinger IS going to be part of CU, but I forgot that the Walter-player, who will be writing Schrodinger, is currently on hiatus and won't return until a few days after July 5th. XD So Schrodinger will appear later, i'm afraid.

[info]lonely_vocals in [info]chaosu_ooc

Introduction: New Player and Character

Heysies there everyone! 

My name is Clara, a new player who was lassoed into coming aboard Chaos Unraveled (thank you Mary. <3~), and I'll be joining the game July 5th (sadly I have an eight hour shift at work that day, but I will post without fail) with my original character Morana on Heaven's team. I have sorted out her journal for the most part, and all her info in up in her profile, so please to check out if you are interested, but I should warn you all much of her powers and history will be undisclosed in-character-wise at the start, due to her discomfort over her past, as well as...well, to be blunt she has the social skills of a potato. 

Anyways, do feel free to contact me through email or AIM (I believe my details have been posted up by the kindly mod ^^) or comment here for any interest in plot, ideas, general questions on my character or myself, or friendly and crazy chatter. I look forward to playing with you all in the future, thanks! ^-^