June 17th, 2008

[info]lady_serpent in [info]chaosu_ooc

Hyperventalating much?

After this week, I'm putting my character "Emerald" on hiatus. She'll still do threads that "happened" before body switch day, and she'll finish up comments for that Malfunction Day, but after that, she'll be "missing" for about a month or so. I'm really having trouble juggling three characters at the moment and the character who is least busy is my assassin lady. She's not being dropped, but with permission from Mod Lady, Emerald will be wandering "out there" in the realm (luckily with some survival gear, but with no way to communicate), and when she returns, there will be a new location added to Places of Interest.

I know she has two threads, one with Una, and one for the "Tristan" plot, so I'll still be getting to those when I'm not running around like my head's cut off doing things to get ready for university. 

I'm going to practice "breathing" now. Be back soon!