June 13th, 2008

[info]my_private_life in [info]chaosu_ooc

Plotting and Stuffs! Henry/Sal/Will/Mitch Plot

Okay! Since aftermath posts are going up, would it be okay to do a thread with Henry back at Asgard, getting fixed up? Since bodyswitch day is tomorrow and all. :D

(And I am totally up for also threading the return and everything else, too!)

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc


As a little heads up, your mod is going to be much less active this weekend. Please don't take this as an opportunity to break the rules, though, because I will check back on occasion, and there are others who will be keeping an eye out for me. xD

There are a few people who seem to be breaking the two-thread rule. If they are only in three, and this is because someone they were threading with was on hiatus at the moment, then this is acceptable, but please check your stuff, everyone! If the tags on the entry do NOT include 'finished thread' then I can only assume it's not done.

When I come back there'll probably be an announcement about a few new characters. Probably. So for those of you who are waiting to get an answer for your applications, please be patient! The mod is trying to catch up on a bunch of school projects right now. XD