June 8th, 2008

[info]holy_assumption in [info]chaosu_ooc

Dates of the trip

Dunno if I should edit the other post or not, but the dates are June 20-July 8, and perhaps a little more for my head and body to re-adjust time zones.

If anyone wants pictures, I plan on taking LOTS. :3; If there's something specific, let me know~ I'll try to get back and say if it's do able or not.

and one more thing. Fanfiction. >_> Cause y'all inspire me like WOAH! Based on an idea of Will and Walter actually meeting. :3 If you have anything to add or point out or whatever, let me know, ne? *right?* http://danetenshijanai.deviantart.com/art/crossover-SH4-and-Red-Dragon-87980589

EDIT: for the SH players, check out the silenthillicons over on LJ. :3 they've got good icons. WAY better than any of mine

[info]yagami_light in [info]chaosu_ooc

Critique Anyone?

Hi, Light-player here, obviously. I have been informed people have complaints and/or concerns over my interpretation of Light. In this post, you can tell me just what problems you may or may not have with my character and I will either reply justifying why he acts that way or consider your critique/suggestions for future RP. PLEASE, if you have ANY problem with him, tell me. I like to know just what I may or may not be doing wrong.

Also, please explain just what YOU think FUBAR is, as my interpretation of FUBAR may be drastically different from yours, considering I am a bit sadomasochist myself and find several things normal that others would find FUBAR. This will help in not disturbing too many people here with what I may decide to RP, as we can come to a happy medium on what should be defined as FUBAR here.

Do not criticize other characters int his post, only Light. If any other players want critique on their characters, they may make a post such as this and request it, but please keep it only to those who ask.

Believe me, no matter what you post here, I will consider it, at the least, if not put it to use or justify my actions.

Thank you in advance. I prefer to be completely clear on what I should avoid doing and such. It helps save a lot of trouble and grief.

Also, if you ever want to interact with my character or are bored and need someone to RP with, PLEASE ask. I tend to get very bored too seeing if anyone will interact with me. LOL.

[info]strix in [info]chaosu_ooc


Well. I have something to say. This is a personal statement, and it is not directed at any one person.

There are not many things that ruffle me, and I try to be considerate of other players, but I also expect other players to be considered too. When people go inactive in the middle of live threads (actual player interaction, not the journals) with no warning, explanation, or attempt to at least make a way for others to work around the absence plot-wise, it really bothers me. Not to mention the fact that when this happens it catches up other people's thread counts (which are limited to two, remember, not a lot of wiggle room there), and so in turn everything that they're doing must freeze also.

If people are gone for a couple of days, announce hiatus, whatever, I'm cool with that, but when people get left hanging for a week, or even a month, I'm not okay with that. At least let the other people in the thread know what's going on. Please. Pretty please? Because we're otherwise powerless to create plot from that thread and move on.

All I'm asking for is communication.

I love this game, and I love all the players. I really have fun here. I just thought I would throw this out because it's really be aggravating me lately, and I would rather be proactive than stew in my own juices over it.
