June 4th, 2008

[info]franksunderland in [info]chaosu_ooc

Frank's caterpillar

I don't draw, because I can't... but I knew you were all out there saying "Hey, I wonder what Frank's caterpillar looks like." You weren't? Well, anyway, it looks sort of like this. That's about life-size, and it's covered in big scaly plates, so that's why Frank thinks it's not from Earth and would make a pretty darned big butterfly.

[info]holy_assumption in [info]chaosu_ooc

Brief, soon to be hiatus warning for a trip...

I'm going to England and France this summer, actually, pretty soon. :/ I can never remember when we're actually going, but I do know I'll be back on (or a day or two later) July 5th ;-; gonna miss Fourth o July. Dang. Um, the trips supposed to be 21 days, but with flight schedules and all, it can be earlier or later.

I don't quite know if I'll get any internet usage during that time, but I'll try to pop on and figure out what's going on.

[info]coxtastic in [info]chaosu_ooc

Bad News. I was MIA for about a week (I think?)

Good News X2. I'm BACK. AND. I'M A FULL TIME STUDENT AT THE LE CORDON BLEU SCHOOL OF CULINARY ARTS IN PASADENA. I'm taking the Pastry and Baking course~ I shall be finished in 7 months. After that 7 months, i will have GRADUATED from LCB and be a full fledged Pastry Chef. HOO-RA.

Anyway, yeah. Just letting everyone know where I've been.

My kitten says Hi =o

[info]yagami_light in [info]chaosu_ooc

Question For The Silent Hill Fanatics

So, guys, I'm thinking very seriously on trying out for Vincent from Silent Hill 3. Thing is, I want your ideas on how you think his personality would have been like if he weren't trying to stop a god from being born, you know? Any suggestions are very much welcomed, as well as an good info on The Order. I've only fully played SH3 and parts of SH2 and SH4 (still playing SH4 right now, SH2 is on hold in order to play SH4), so, of course, as much information as I can get would be greatly appreciated.