June 2nd, 2008

[info]silverknight in [info]chaosu_ooc

About the the Jazz, Strix (and maybe Midvalley) thread...

Should I start the thread so that Jazz and Midvalley can get to the party, which can later branch out into the other stuff with Strix? Or should I wait until later?

[info]franksunderland in [info]chaosu_ooc

Two eligible bachelors... well, a bachelor and a widower...

Glitch would very much like to dance at the party, and is daring Frank to dance also, to which a mortified Frank has mistakenly given agreement. (And is hoping Glitch will forget, though it's going to be more fun if we say he doesn't.)

So if any young ladies would like to be volunteer for this, they're open to suggestion.