May 23rd, 2008

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc


Okay, four announcements from the mod. Some are important, some are not so important.

Mod Announcements )

[info]my_private_life in [info]chaosu_ooc

Small Hiatus!

Huzzah, the time has come! I'll be heading into Phoenix at around 5 AM tomorrow morning, and I'll be gone for the weekend at Saboten Con! Should be back sometime Tuesday. :D Or not, depending on how much recovering I need to do! ;)

I can still be reached via email, though, if there's anything you need to reach me about! Hotel has free wireless, and I'll be checking mail and doing con updates and things, so I won't be completely out of reach!

Have a good weekend, everybody!