May 14th, 2008

[info]bansheescry in [info]chaosu_ooc

Hallo Hallo everyone!
I just wanted to let you all know that I will be on Hiatus starting tonight and up until around Friday afternoon/evening.

I am going on a little trip to ODU to visit a friend! =D
Road trip by myself. o_o Kinda scury.
But thats alright. I shall prevail!

But once again. Una and Nix will be on Hiatus for a bit!

[info]heaven_within in [info]chaosu_ooc

Modly Stuff Again

I just want to let you all know that, due to life responsibilities and all that jazz, the modliness cannot always be watching the game. Especially when its activity just jumped into Speedy Gonzales mode (And I probably misspelled the poor cartoon character's name.)

Just to keep people informed - do not have your characters behave like other characters aren't wandering around Asgard or Niflheim doing their normal business just because they aren't as fast at being involved as some of the other player characters. Also, try to give people time!

...and remember that no one character may be active in more than two threads. The exception is if the character is stuck in two threads with players currently on HIATUS, and then they are allowed just one more than that.

To make sure I know that the thread is finished, add the "finished thread" tag at the end of the thread. I add it myself only to the threads I have been in or assume are complete.

Also, if you want your character's NPC team leader to do something - you can request it in a thread or on a journal page, but also keep in mind that if it's minor like a desire for normal clothing, having a toilet added to your character's bedroom, or for a bouquet of flowers - anything simple, feel free to assume they're giving it freely.

Well. Rather, Metatron would do anything simply to be nice. Lucifer might not give a character flowers, but he'd give them the food and supplies they need.

Just in case anyone ever gets confused~