May 11th, 2008

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

List of Asgardians

Due to the character cast being so large that I can no longer conveniently fit all of the members of each team on their respective leader/guide/NPC's journal, I'm making a post seperate from the taken character list. Niflheim will get one as well. This way, if people want another way to access all the journals instead of hitting 'friends' all of the time, this will serve as an easy method. Metatron will have a permanent link to this post on the side of his journal.

Asgardians )

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

The Teams

Team Tables )

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc


Just to keep everyone updated. The Player 'Heads Up's thread has been updated by the new characters, as well as the Getting to Know You thread (for an easy link, check contact information while signed in - there should be a link in there!)

As for other news, the next Malfunction Day will occur on May 22nd, as a reminder. Luminous Lake and its description has been added to the Places of Interest. There are also descriptions of the new character's rooms in there as well, if they're curious.

Other than that, you've probably seen the timeline of events that's been made. I also added something possibly controversial to the character submission form, but I feel that it will give me another level of understanding of the character and how the player will want to write them.