April 21st, 2008

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

One More, Extra Info

I've added it to the plot summary, but a plot-bit for the beginning set up of the game was forgotten by your modliness! I'm sorry!

I want to make it clear that...if you're a Heaven character, then Metatron comes to your character and asks them if they'd be willing to aid Heaven's side. No Heaven character gets zapped rudely into the fight.

Hell's side, however? Your character can be merely zapped rudely into the fight (see: Strix) OR have been asked specifically by Lucifer to work for him/Satan (see: Emerald as an example).

The reason? Is because regardless of your religious beliefs, i'd just rather the "Heaven" side be the kind that asks, rather than demands like Hell.

Feel free to ask questions!