April 19th, 2008

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Informative Post

There's some things I feel I should say to make things clear to those who may be confused about how the RPG will begin when it's finally time to start.

It is meant to be assumed, when the RPG starts, that...
All characters are taken to their respective headquarters, having the situation explained to them by Metatron (if the character is part of Heaven's team) or Lucifer (if the character is part of Hell's team.) Simply because the NPCs explained the situation doesn't mean they were listening, however! Feel free to have your characters be a little confused if you like.

Also, as a way to encourage character interaction, the NPCs first moves will be to "organize" characters into respective rooms that will be posted in their individual journals. They will assign your characters into one of the various rooms within the headquarters (see Places of Interest) and your characters can react/feel whatever way they might about their rooming situation.

While not exactly encouraged, if you have a character that would simply refuse to comply, I wouldn't be surprise if we end up having a character or two that either run off and, while working for a particular team, live somewhere in Emptiness, or choose another room despite the say-so of their team leader.

If your character wouldn't ICly question Lucifer's or Metatron's decision (or if they would grudgingly compy), however, they'll continue to have their assigned bedrooms.

Feel free to ask questions! This little detail is generally to help inspire further character interaction and give players more ways and places to interact.