Chaos Theory: an original mythological rp - March 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 25th, 2008

[Mar. 25th, 2008|03:57 am]
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[mood | devious]

Who: Dante & Kieran
Where: Grocery store
When: Saturday evening

Much like a dog, Dante wasn't allowed to sleep on the bed. Even though he was basically keeping Ant off the street, that territory was most definitely not his. It wasn't really that the couch was uncomfortable, it wasn't. In fact, it was probably more comfortable than the bed. However, Dan believed in least he did when it came to annoying someone else.

As the saviour of Ant's living space, he should've had first choice. He hadn't.

Time for a little retribution.

Well, not quite retribution. Dan's idea was a little petty, but that wasn't the point. If Dante couldn't have the bed, nobody could. He just needed to make that clear to Ant.

Dante rubbed his nose and stared at the wall of products in front of him. He just needed a generous sized packet of icing sugar, and then he could be on his way...
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A Ring for a beautiful girl. [Mar. 25th, 2008|05:07 pm]
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Who: Asti
Where: Jewelry Store
When: Monday afternoon

So many rings... How was someone supposed to pick a ring when there were so many to pick from. Big, small, pretty...ugly. Pricey.

The one Asti truly wanted to get Nicky was a beautiful platinum diamond ring, but it was 6,000 dollars. With a discount. Frowning, he looked at it, and considered. With his acting jobs, and school. There was no way to afford it. On the brightside he didn't have to pay for a car.

"Would you like to buy a ring?" The clerk was portly, looking at Asti curiously as the actor brushed his hair back. It seemed like a dull question, 'want to buy something?' No...He just wanted to look. Idiot.

"I need a ring."

"Of course...Anything you like?"

Pursing his lips Asti looked from the rings to the man as he walked along the counter and regarded things. Mm, which one? It took him probably an hour before he finally settled on one. Simple...but perfect.

"That one."

"Ah...its a good one."

"I know..."
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[Mar. 25th, 2008|11:03 pm]
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WHO: Nicky and Asti
WHERE: Battery Kimble?
WHEN: Shortly after the equinox
WHAT: A romantic little picnic with a possible twist

It really was a beautiful day. And it was turning warmer, which was a nice plus.

She was taking a day off from work, a "sick day" which really meant sick of working. He was playing hooky from classes, which was almost expected by now. And here they were, playing the couple that everyone sighed over and went "aren't they such a cute couple."

And she was happy, and she was here with Asti, and... really, she didn't see how things could get any more glorious.
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