Jul. 20th, 2008


I haven't been on much

Getting ready to move in a week and a half but we're finally getting a house! We're excited but I've got the internet at home turned off right now and we can no longer blog at the office so I manage to get to the library every so often.

Here's a quick update. The stress of my husband's new hours at work (overnight shifts, a late night and two early mornings) was beginning to get to me as we just don't get a chance to see each other much. Then, there is one person at the office I really don't get along with so I avoid her as much as possible. Oh, well, as long as I do my job I don't really have to work with her very much. Then with moving, though our finances are better than they were, moving doesn't leave us very much extra money. Money has been so short, I'm still waiting for the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Well, it is coming. Once we get settled in the new house. :)

Anyhow, the stress was really getting to me and Elora's teething. 6 teeth! She's cutting two more as well. Poor Boo. I was crabby, unhappy and making myself sick. Well, I was at the library and I found some books on Reiki. I've been looking into them and I like what I'm reading. So I'm following some of the meditations. I've been able to benefit right away. Just the one mantra of "just for today, I am at peace" while holding your left hand over your heart and your right hand over your solar plexus is very calming. I can feel peace and loving energy right away. I'm calmer and less crabby too.

I also found some DVDs for exercise while my husband is at work and the baby is asleep. Bellydance! Also YogaDance. I love them both and when we move, I'm going to good online and see if I can order both. The YogaDance DVD is like yogic trance dance. I feel relaxed, rejuventated and beautiful. The Bellydance DVD was really just for fun, but I also feel quite exercised and womanly/sensuous afterwards. I do either DVD almost every night before bedtime. Then I take long shower and pamper myself a little with some nice body lotion and get a wonderful night's rest.

The YogaDance DVD is called Yoga Dance: Earth. If you haven't tried it, I recommend it. It really connects back to Mother Earth.