May 21st, 2008

[info]chimerawinds in [info]celtic_shaman

Thinking about Earth

Thinking about the Elemental Realm of Earth lately and getting back to my roots (so to speak) since I had pretty much left this path for a few years. I'm kind of re-training myself. I've not gotten very far in my meditations as life sneaks in there just when I get down to the cavern at the base of the World Tree. The Gnomes seem patient and I come out of it with a feeling of 'take your time, it won't happen overnight, but it will'.

I must be taking something away from this though. I've always had what you call a black thumb. I can grow my office bamboo but that is pretty much it. I have an office plant now that was given to me. It was horribly root bound so I repotted it into a hanging basket and it seems to be doing lovely.

Someone said something really interesting about gardening and how it makes her feel recently.

She described gardening as making her feel like Eve herself in the Garden of Eden, even though spiritually she is more akin to Lilith. She said there was power in anticipation of the seeds to grow and to tend the weeds and soil. She was so sure nothing would grow, but it has and she feels close to Mother Earth watching it all grow and making sure it thrives. She worked hard yesterday mowing the grass, weeding, watering, etc. Her herb and veggie garden are now thriving.

I found myself strongly relating to that feeling with my own little office plant that I rescued from the company that tends our plants. When they get root bound and sickly from it, the company simply comes in and replaces them, throwing away the old plants. So the guy offered me one. It's doing great now that it is in a new pot. I make sure it has water and is not getting too much sun.

What are some experiences you have with similar pursuits?