January 10th, 2016



[No Subject]

A Journal Entry
January 10th, somewhere between midnight and morning

It seems like break went by so fast this year. It doesn't seem like Christmas was already over two weeks ago and that we're boarding the train in only a few hours. I will miss Portland - running in the rain is so much easier than running in the snow. Though, admittedly, I could have gone without all of the freezing rain we've had the last week. That's never fun to run in, I'd almost take the snow at that point, but yet some how not quite.

I'm glad Mother said it would be okay to stay the night over in Marble City before getting on the train - rather than flooing it in like we usually do, I can't sleep and taking a run on a clear night in the mid 50s? I couldn't ask for a better way to clear my head before classes start back up. It'll be my only chance to get a little bit of sunshine before its back up into the mountains - where I'm sure more snow on top of more snow on top of, you guessed it, even more snow is patiently waiting for us.

I need to move somewhere warm, with sun, and maybe some pretty water after school. Too much gross weather everywhere I go.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 1/10/16, morning while on the train back to Hogwarts

As we move back towards Hogwarts, I know there are plenty of you worried and fearful of the attacks on the Ministry, and you are right to have that fear. Stay vigilant in your studies, protective spells, and be prepared to defend yourself. We cannot lie about the reality of the situation, it's a dangerous one we face. That being said, vigilance in the face of danger and fear is imperative.

Live your life to the fullest, do not falter, walk towards it with your head held high and do not let death and fear rule your lives. Be proud of who you are, and stand true to your beliefs in everything you do.

And remain focused in your studies--this school has already proven itself weak in protection of its students. Do not rely on professors to protect you, rely on yourselves and each other.

[Hexed privately to Belle]

Belle, love, it would seem I have some good news for us both. I told my father of you, and despite your blood status he not only wishes to meet you, but greatly approves of our pairing. It would seem we're free to pursue this without confrontation.

[/end hex]



Mischief Managed

Intricately folded envelopes were found on many beds throughout the castle, addressed from the Headmaster...
Upon train arrival - Sunday, January 10th, 2016

Found on the bed of students enrolled in the fourth year and above of every house, enclosed within a crimson envelope: )

Found on the bed of all TAs, Faculty, and Staff enclosed within a crimson envelope: )



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 1/10 early morning

I hope everyone is ready to get back to work, and that my students have finished their project - which is due this week for all of you. Remember that it is half of your grade for this marking period.

[Private to Adrian]
Would you and your friend and sister like to join me for dinner this evening?



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Late evening, 1/10

It has been a very nice break, though it is good to be back honestly. I am glad we have an upcoming formal to look forward to as well, as I believe it will do a lot to brighten our month, especially with these long winter nights.

[Private to Tobias]
Did they speak with you too?