July 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: July 29th, ~11pm

[Private to Self]

They lost him. They fucking lost Peter. How do you fucking lose a comatose burn victim? I just don't understand. Did he wake up and leave and how did he even get out? And where did he go? Fuck.


Not to alarm anyone, but if anyone sees a man with roughly 80% burn scars, please alert St. Mungo's. He is not well.

[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
Date: July 30, a little after this

Why are we being forced to keep a journal? This feels like therapy all over again

Also, Carol said she heard an explosion. Anybody know what's going on?

This is so stupid. If I wanted to keep a fucking journal, I would do it already. I swear to all that's holy . . . never mind. Never fucking mind. I wish Carol wasn't so stupidly excited about this. She thinks it'll be a good way for me to make friends. I have friends. Sweet Jesus, only two years left.