May 2016




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May. 31st, 2016


My kittens are currently using my boyfriend as a human cuddling post. He has two on his head, one of his both of his shoulders, and two in his lap.

It's adorable, except for when I go to move in so we can cuddle, they start crying if he shifts at all, and look at me like I'm this big meanie for making him move.

Mar. 6th, 2016


BeetleNet Post By Red Arrow

Lian Harper-Wayne.

I've gotta say, it has a really nice ring to it.

Feb. 11th, 2016


BeetleNet Post By Aquaman

Even if I wasn't a member of the Justice League, it's worth coming to the surface for the pizza alone.

Feb. 10th, 2016


BeetleNet Post by Shieldguard

Yanno, I don't ask for a lot from my fellow team slash house mates. Get your laundry out of the washer in a timely manner, replace the toilet paper, and DON'T EAT MY CHEETOS.

Now I am Cheeto-less and no one is fessing up and I don't want to go out and get any.

Someone should bring me some Cheetos.

I feel obliged to amend that statement. Someone who is not a villain should bring me some Cheetos.

I mean, unless you want to get punched for Cheetos. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

I bet Lexi has Cheetos for me. Lexi, hook your big brother up.

Feb. 7th, 2016


beetlenet post by rousseau

I literally ran into a guy trying to knock over a liquor store dressed like Quail Man. Belt on the head, underwear outside of his pants, and everything. I laughed so hard I gave him some of the money along with the money he got from the register.

Then, of course, ran into him again and knocked him the fuck out. I am currently in possession of a Quail Man outfit and some guy is naked in an alley. Got my money back though! Maybe some of the liquor store money too. Maybe.

Feb. 2nd, 2016


BeetleNet Post By Omen

Thinking about starting a new book. Anyone have recommendations?

Jan. 29th, 2016


beetlenet post by arsenal

Just in case anyone wasn't aware of how much of a giant dork my boyfriend is...

This happened.

(ooc: just ignore the title and pretend this is just a dubsmash by miranda and adrian actually in the post, since I couldn't get embedding to work.)

Jan. 28th, 2016


BeetleNet Post By Red Arrow

Connor just informed me that he wished that the car wore pants, so that he could kick the pants off of it when it decided that it didn't want to start for me this morning.

I really should make a quote book. Shit My Kid Says. I bet I'd turn an awesome profit.