Posts Tagged: 'general:+plotting'

Jul. 30th, 2018



Basket Auction Plot!

Hey, guys!

Stevie and Patty here coming at you with a brief update on how the basket auction works. As seen on Gilmore Girls (S2 E13) and Hart of Dixie (S2 E9), baskets are packed with the intention of being auctioned with the proceeds going to charity. The contents of the basket, and the basket itself, are meant to be a surprise!

So the auction will involve auctioning a basket with contents of your character's choosing and then whoever wins the basket also gets lunch with your character. Which is pretty fun!

What we need from you is to know who's submitting a basket. We're keeping things anonymous. ;) So all comments are screened. What we need from you:
Your Character's Name:
A picture of their basket:
A description of what's inside their basket: This can include specific food items. You can also include other things, if you're trying to tip someone else off about which basket is yours!

We're going to gather all this information up and make it beautiful for you come the day of the auction. The LAST DAY for this information will be August 8th. Since we want that IC/OOC up early even though it happens on the 11th! We'll also post another reminder closer to the event so you don't miss it!

If you have any questions, hit us up!

Jul. 6th, 2018



Happy Friday!! Just a note to let people know we'll be updating the Plot Calendar to reflect a small change. Running the picnic basket challenge proved to be a little more complicated for Stevie & Patty then they initially expected. They'd like to have some additional time to set it up for the beginning of next month (August)!

In it's place they will run a smaller event called Fall City Summerfest at the Community Center. This event will include a cakewalk, a pie baking contest as well as themed games to raise money to promote individual programs that the community center handles on a yearly basis.

Stevie has provided us with a form that you can fill out as your character to help flesh out how your character volunteers their time at the event!

Additionally, we'd like to ask your preferences for two head cannon-like things related to this event:
1. Would you prefer this to be considered an annual event that always happens OR would you prefer that this to be a new event to highlight the town to all the outsiders who are visiting?

2. Are there any programs that either your character runs at different times during the year at the Community Center or just programs you'd like to say your character attended. These don't have to run throughout the year they can be as short as a 1 day workshop each year or something as regular as a weekly event! The world is your oyster! Be as creative as you'd like.

Thanks for your thoughts ❤️

Jul. 2nd, 2018



Plotting: The Book, Part 2!

As mentioned before, the author of the book is an assigned secret. The Book page has been updated as we have gone through various rounds of drops. However, between the different drops and adds in the game there have been some spots that have opened up to have new characters who would have been in the book (and thus also in the film).

If you replied for your character on this post, you can reply here if you have more information you think would have come up (thanks to new connections or headcanons). If you have a new character the author has asked if you could answer the following questions if you think they would be good for inclusion in the book. Any information is useful.
1. If you have not already, please make sure you comment on the mixers, especially this mixer in particular so that we know where your character was the night of the fire. This book is all about the red string theories. Now that you have your secrets, hopefully this will enable you to put together character experiences (or alibis) for the author to use.

2. In addition, we have added a header below. Please comment there is the population at large has or has a reason to think your character is suspicious or otherwise had some kind of beef with Ed and Cora March. This can vary from something that they did ONCE that left a big impression on the town (maybe they graffiti'd something one time and henceforth were sent a bunch of side-eye), or maybe they are generally known for being a little shitbird.

3. Alternatively, if your characters got on WELL with the Marches, let us know that as well!

4. We're also going to throw up a miscellaneous header for characters who were not born yet or out of town. If you want to give them a suspicious relative, feel free to chuck that in here as well.

5. How did your character react to the fire and Cora's death as a whole? Did your character have an emotional breakdown at school because Alice's seat empty? Did they heave a breakdown at work? Did they carry on like everything was fine?

6. Are there any leaps in logic that you are comfortable with the author taking? This book is a matter of opinion, and someone's opinion may or may not line up with fact. If you are or are not okay with your character being (maybe undeservedly) dragged, please let us know so that we can avoid that.

7. Any other information you want to give us that might be relevant is MORE than welcome. Come up with bits of gossip that are seemingly unrelated to the Marches at all! Give us little lead ins we might use when the author starts describing your character, or several of them. For example, "On the outside, Elvera MacLaver has always seemed likable and kind, but what's hiding behind the surface of her skin...? There was a time at Carson's when many of us witnessed her breakdown in front of the Tuna Cans; perhaps she's less stable than we think..." ETC.

Jun. 16th, 2018



Evidence: Moira's Phone

Hey, pals!

We’re working on a handful of things to have ready to start handing out once the police get there and thought it would be fun to do some padding with Moira’s phone.

If your character texted her anything of note, left a voicemail for Moira or if you would like Moira to have texted them something maybe minorly suspish about your character (or not suspicious, whatever), please let us know by either a) giving us the text message(s) your character would like to have sent her or b) letting us know you’re okay with Moira having texted YOUR character or otherwise have had your character spoken about. :)

If you’d like any communications to be a surprise feel free to email us! Otherwise you can just leave information in the comments here. Thanks!

Jun. 11th, 2018




I flipped a coin and Kennedy gets first pick for making teams! I've put up Kennedy and Lola headers below. After Kennedy Picks, Lola can pick, and so on and so forth until everyone is on a team.

Here is everyone who expressed interest in signing up. I'll put the names below in a header, too, but if you'd like to sign your character up please go ahead and add it to the header! Thank youUUU :)

Jun. 4th, 2018



Moira Murder Intensifies...

As people wrap up the interviews on the First Moira Murder IC/OOC (Players of officers/detectives: please try to finish those up as quickly as possible! Everyone: please also take a look at the information wrap up for some succinct tl;dr's) we wanted to take a moment to get some more people to get in on this plot.

We currently know that Homecooking, Ardente, Mitzi's, Last Shot & Wonderlust provided footage to the Deputy Sheriff's Department. If you are interested in your character being captured on any of this footage, please let me know by commenting in the appropriate header below! I'm currently working on a set up for the second round of questioning which will be an even wider group.

Secondly, after the first IC/OOC we realized that things got repetitive VERY QUICKLY. So for the next round the mods are currently bouncing around ideas of a form for the standard questions and then letting the officers & detectives take any additional questions they think need to be asked from there.

And my last point is to guide all of our officers and detectives to this section of the information round up. Emilia is no tyrant so although this is the direction we're going to head in next, she (and we, as a mod team) would like to hear any other suggestions those characters might have that we can incorporate into the coming IC/OOC's!

thanks for being great ❤️

May. 26th, 2018




Wrap up post!

The party tonight will begin to wrap up at 12:00 AM, and will officially be over at 1 AM. As such, most people probably left somewhere in between. Cecelia Reyes would have had her crew ensure most people were gone by 12:30, as she wants to be sure to stay in the inn's good graces.

We know that IC/OOC got pretty unwieldy, so if you would like to use this space to tl;dr anything for your characters, please do so.

Additionally, we are going to be making three new tags. They are listed as follows and shall be used as followed!

mystery: the bellowes inn party
anything that takes place during the Bellowes Inn party and is pertinent TO THE MYSTERY should be posted with this tag.
anything that is posted that pertains to ANY fall city mystery should have this tag attached to it.
mystery: secrets
anything that is posted that pertains to your characters' secret should have this tag attached to it. As stated in the rules, please also keep the mods in the loop if your character tells anyone, just so we have all our ducks lined up and can plot appropriately.

We hope that this will help you guys keep track of everything IC and OOCly. ♥ As always, let us know if you have any questions!

May. 21st, 2018



Hey guys!! It's Nae.

I'd really really love to push the paranormal creep factor with Rhett, so this is an open plotting call? If you have a character who would prank and or haunt him, please do!!! All the stuff we've done with that has been so great and I'd love to do more! <333

May. 19th, 2018



return & article questions

Hi all! I'm back and have been trying to catch up on all the intros and such that I missed. If there's anything in particular you think I should see, please let me know!

The real reason I'm posting this here though is that I need to know who would be available for me to write this article: "A spotlight article on an actor or actress of your choice (to be posted on MAY 22TH.)" If anyone would like that article to be written about their character, please let me know and I'll email you to get some details and such. I have a short list of questions for the person that'd be up for this!

<3 Jessie

May. 10th, 2018



plotting post: the perfect storm

plotting post: the perfect storm )

Apr. 30th, 2018



Hey guys sorry for not being around much this month. Honestly since Easter work kicked me in the butt. I'm hoping things are going to calm down now (fingers crossed) so I'll hopefully be around more. I would also love to get some more stuff going with both Glenn & Lisa if anyone is interested?

Feel free to hit me up on discord - theladyunicorn#3162 or shoot me an email at

<33 Alex

Apr. 28th, 2018



The Book!

Hi Everyone!

As we mentioned on this post the player who has the author secret has been hard at work on building some information for the readers of the book to have some “canon” of sorts to refer back to. You can read through what they’ve done on the book page.

We have also updated our Film Crew page accordingly. Now that we know how the book was written, you guys, too, can have a better understanding of what exactly it is you’re filming! Thanks for being so patient with us as we get this together-- such are the small drawbacks of a secrets based game that requires a lot of communication. :L

Please feel free to still leave your character’s information on the inquiry page we had put up, as we do still want your characters to be involved! However, because we also don’t want to have to force our Film Crew’s hand around too often and force them to come up with different ways to incorporate new characters, by and large we are going to say that the characters listed on the film crew page are the characters that the movie itself is going to focus on.

Not only that, but because the Author secret requires so much work (and because a book can only contain so much information without losing focus or getting too big), we are going to leave it up to the Author if they would like to add anything else to the book-- otherwise, anything listed on this page and this page can be considered rumor and speculation. If we do edit anything into the book, we will post in the OOC community to let all of you know.

Now that the book has been more fleshed out we are more than happy to see holds for actor and actresses portraying characters that are listed on the Film Crew Page as well as Townies being more offended now that you, as players, know there is a possibility their lives could be under scrutiny from neighbors or the actors trying their best to figure out how to bring your mannerisms to the big screen!

Apr. 18th, 2018



Plotting: Spring Faire!

Hello, everyone! Welcome to our first BIG plotting post of the game.

We intend on using this particular post as an information dump, worldbuilding post, and information hub to reference over the two days that the Faire will be set up and the week that the Spring Faire will be up and running.

click me! )

Apr. 16th, 2018



The Filming Schedule!

This is still a work in progress but for those with characters involved here is the doc for the filming schedule.

We'll be contacting people who volunteered locations soon and if we can answer any questions in the meantime just let us know! :)

Apr. 10th, 2018



Plotting: The Book!

The author of the book has been assigned as a secret and we'd like them to have the chance to put some plot points on The Book Page as soon as possible. That way all the readers of the book and the film crew can have something to reference (possibly we can even give the Townie Extras a role to choose from, if something in particular appeals to them. Think about how fun it would be to have Hugh or Eugene playing you~~)

So! What can you do for them in order to make this narration flow a little more easily? Here's a list that we're putting out at their request. It's a little long, we know, but this is going to be one of those things where you'll get as much as you put in. :)

Questions behind the cut! )

Apr. 7th, 2018




Two things!

We're working on IC/OOCs for the first day the game opens. We're splitting these events into TWO POSTS. We'll have the Film Crew's Arrival, which will largely consist of The Film Crew arriving in Fall City by means of bus/rental car/uber/etc, getting to the inn, receiving their room assignments, etc.

In game, this will take place early morning of April 13th (unless you'd like to say that for whatever reason, your character is late). However, we would like to post it on April 11th so that people a) have a little bit of extra time to set the stage and b) so that attention isn't divided between TWO massive posts on April 13th.

Which brings us to our next point.

We're also starting to work on the IC/OOC post for opening day! :)

As such, we'd like to come to all of you (especially you Film Crew Types), to see what kind of things and general shenanigans you'd like to have in the first event of the game.

The party itself will take place in the park and will start at around 6 PM and will officially go until 10 PM, but unofficially? Well. Whatever.

Basma would want to make sure that everyone on the Film Crew feels welcome, so if any of them have any sPeCiAl ReQuEsTs, drop it here and she will find a way to work it in!

If you have any ideas you'd like to see, any volunteer spots you'd like to suggest, leave a comment below. We are NOT going to screen comments, so if there is anything you would generally like to be a surprise for the community as a whole, be sure to e-mail us. ♥